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By an increasing development of digital technologies, and especially following the recent COVID-19 global pandemic, many employers in Bosnia and Herzegovina have started to implement remote working in their work regime. Depending on the needs of their businesses, some employers have implemented a hybrid regime (i.e., a combination of work from the employer’s premises and remote work), while some have completely switched to remote work regime. Generally, remote work in B&H is attractive for employers, due to cost cutting (e.g. lower lease fees, lower utility costs), but also due to higher employee satisfaction as it supports work-life balance.

In The Debrief, our Practice Leaders across CEE share updates on recent and upcoming legislation, consider the impact of recent court decisions, showcase landmark projects, and keep our readers apprised of the latest developments impacting their respective practice areas.

In 2024, certain currency control restrictions introduced on the first day of the full-scale invasion are still in force in Ukraine. The National Bank of Ukraine reviews and eases some of these restrictions, but many of the prohibitions on foreign exchange transactions remain.

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