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Over the recent years, Greece has taken significant steps in stabilizing its banking sector, owing to several regulatory reforms and a strengthened capital position of its banks. Moody’s revision of the country’s outlook to “positive” in September 2024 is mainly attributed to the recovery of the Greek banking sector and the country’s strong economic performance.

Kyriakides Georgopoulos, working with Baker McKenzie, has advised Atlas Tapes on the acquisition of 100% of the paid-up share capital of PPM Industries Group from Auctus Capital Partners and the CEO of the PPM Industries group Matteo Pellegrini. Advant Nctm reportedly advised Auctus Capital Partners. PedersoliGattai reportedly advised PPM Industries and Matteo Pellegrini while Pirola Pennuto Zei & Associati reportedly advised Matteo Pellegrini.

Papapolitis & Papapolitis, working with Paul Weiss, has advised Oak Hill Advisors on its equity investment of up to EUR 115 million in IDEAL Holdings, with a co-investment right for an additional EUR 200 million over the next two years. Sarantitis and Reed Smith reportedly advised IDEAL Holdings.

The NIS2 Directive is the EU-wide legislation on cybersecurity. It provides legal measures to increase the overall level of cybersecurity in the EU by modernizing the existing legal framework, broadening the scope of covered entities, and specifying high fines (2% or EUR 10 million for essential entities, or 1.4% of global annual turnover or EUR 7 million for important entities), directly involving the board members of covered organizations and holding them accountable for any breach of the legal framework established by the new Directive.

Papapolitis & Papapolitis, working with Linklaters and Studio Legale Associato, has advised the syndicate of arrangers and initial purchasers on DoValue’s pivotal EUR 300 million high-yield bond offering, aimed at refinancing its existing debt following the acquisition of Italian credit management company Gardant. Moratis Passas, working with White & Case, reportedly advised DoValue.