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47 New Articles

In a world where business operations frequently cross borders, the role of legal strategy becomes critical in navigating complex regulatory and political landscapes. Drawing on their professional experience, Envista Holdings Corporation Senior Legal Counsel Karel Budka and Head of General Legal at Zentiva Pawel Borowski held talks at the CEE Legal Matters GC Summit that took place in Warsaw on April 25-26, 2024. Budka explored the depths of managing foreign direct investment subsidy applications and Borowski looked at the implications of adapting to evolving sanctions.

“Plan twice to implement once” is Teqball Group Legal Director Marianna Erdei’s approach to implementing new whistleblowing regulations in a manner that is not compliant only with Hungarian law but takes into account the local needs of other jurisdictions.

With the Whistleblowing Directive implemented into local legislation, whistleblowing has become an essential topic in companies. As national interpretations of the directive on whistleblowing have made it mandatory for organizations to introduce reporting channels and protective measures, businesses must navigate a more stringent and complex legal landscape.

An act of “whistleblowing” is usually defined in different vocabulary within the frameworks of management sciences and law perspective. A whistleblowing act happens when a person within or outside an organization, holding sensitive information regarding illegal, unethical, or abusive activities, or any action creating a risk to harm the organization, decides to speak out, to internal or external authorities. Whistleblowers are essentially the messengers who convey the information they have somehow acquired.

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