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On 26 December 2024, the Law “On Amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, and Other Legislative Acts of Ukraine to Improve Mechanisms for Holding Legal Entities Accountable for Bribery of Foreign Officials” No. 4111-IX entered into force. It is meant to implement the OECD Council’s Recommendation on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions.

The Law on Environmental Impact Assessment ("Official Gazette of the RS," No. 94/2024) and the Law on Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment ("Official Gazette of the RS," No. 94/2024) entered into force on 6 December 2024.

Kosovo has recently adopted Law No. 08/L-265 on the Register of Beneficial Owners, a key piece of legislation aimed at enhancing transparency and preventing financial crimes. Officially published on November 22, 2024, in the Official Gazette of Kosovo, this law not only addresses regulatory gaps but also lays the foundation for a transparent and trustworthy business environment in Kosovo, aligning it with the practices of European Union member states. 

Companies will have an additional year to comply with new EU rules aimed at preventing deforestation, which will prohibit the sale of products in the EU that originate from deforested land
The European Parliament and the Council of the EU have decided to postpone the application of the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) by one year, now taking effect on 30 December 2025 instead of the original 2024 deadline. The decision comes in response to concerns raised by EU member states and stakeholders about the feasibility of meeting the requirements within the initial timeframe.

On 6 December 2024, the Law on Amendments to the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism and the Law on Amendments to the Law on Public Notaries entered into force. These two laws were adopted by the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia and published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia on 28 November 2024.

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