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The first article of our own REMIT series is available here. It provides an overview of the REMIT core concepts, including the novelties brought under the latest edition of the ACER Guidance published on 22 July 2021 and the main conclusions of the 2021 REMIT Forum. This second article of our REMIT series presents (i) a more detailed analysis of REMIT in Romania, (ii) a practical perspective on the sanctioning regime applied by various NRAs, including the Romanian NRA, and (iii) the overall conclusions of our analysis.

The Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Regulation on Conditions and Criteria on Harmonized State Aid for Environmental Protection and Energy Sector (“Official gazette of the RS” no. 99/2021, hereinafter referred to as: “Regulation”).

In view of the sustained rise in the prices of electricity and natural gas, the Romanian Government has been under increased pressure to extend the consumers support measures first introduced under Government Emergency Ordinance no. 118/2021 on the establishment of a compensation scheme for the consumption of electricity and natural gas covering the period 1 November 2021 – 31 March 2022, which received Parliamentary approval and further amendments under Law no. 259/2021 (Law 259/2021), as both have further been amended.

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