Tue, Jul
72 New Articles

CEE Legal Matters Issue 7.5

On May 18, 2020, bars in Budapest opened up for the first time in what feels like a lifetime. Sure, the perception of the lockdown’s duration is over-isolation-driven to a great extent, and I for one definitely do not miss the clamor of the all-too-common stag parties crawling in a drunken haze from one watering hole to the next that normally plagues downtown Budapest. While May 18 was still too early for the stags to be in town, the Jewish District – one of the city’s primary social neighborhoods – was brimming with people excited to finally have an opportunity to sit down in a bar and enjoy a cold one with friends, social distancing be dammed.

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CEE Legal Matters Issue 7.4

Confusing as it normally is, the fact that excited cries of "May Day! May Day!" can be interpreted, alternatively, as panicked calls for help, celebrations of spring, or demands for labor rights, today seems strangely appropriate. But fear not — a balm for frayed nerves has arrived in the form of the Special May 2020 issue of the CEE Legal Matters magazine, focused extensively on the 2019 CEE Deal of the Year Award Winners, which is out today!

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CEE Legal Matters Issue 7.2

As the audience grows quiet with anticipation, the orchestra readies itself, and with a subtle nod from the stage director, the heavy red curtains are slowly pulled back to reveal … is it? Is it? It is!!! The March 2020 issue of the CEE Legal Matters magazine is here!

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CEE Legal Matters Issue 6.10

The November issue of the CEE Legal Matters magazine is, frankly, a little bit late. But good things take time, and trust us, this issue – our annual special Foreign Focus issue, focusing this time on the Rainbow Nation, South Africa – is a good one. And finally, finally, it’s out now!

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CEE Legal Matters Issue 6.8

Sure, this summer has been hot. There's no denying it. Sizzling. Too hot to enjoy. But now come the good times. Reasonable temperatures, nice breezes, and cool weather — perfect for grabbing a nice adult beverage, sitting on your deck or on the patio of your favorite watering hole, and reading the September 2019 issue of the CEE Legal Matters magazine from front to back. We've done our part ... because the September 2019 issue is out now!

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CEE Legal Matters Issue 6.7

We're late. Trust us: we know it. But don't worry: The special August 2019 issue of the CEE Legal Matters magazine — our semi-annual CEE By The Numbers report — is well worth the wait!

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CEE Legal Matters Issue 6.6

It is hot. Sitting in an oven in a wool sweater hot. Crawling through the desert in a ski suit hot. Chicken vindaloo extra spicy hot. What better way to escape the gruel of this sweaty summer than refreshing yourself with a new issue of the CEE Legal Matters magazine? Well, happy days: The July 2019 issue is out now!

Read more: CEE Legal Matters Issue 6.6