Wed, Oct
57 New Articles

CEE Legal Matters Issue 8.9

As we noted in the Editorial of the newest issue of the CEE Legal Matters Magazine, all in the region's legal market seem to be brimming with positivity. What better way to further this vibe than to announce that the newest issue of the magazine is now out?

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CEE Legal Matters Issue 8.8

Yes, we too are sad to see the summer break behind us but we're here to turn that frown upside down with some great news: The September issue of the CEE Legal Matters magazine is now out!

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CEE Legal Matters Issue 8.7

Who has time for summer? Not the CEELM team, to some of the team members' disgruntlement! Not allowing ourselves to be swayed by the summer's lazy pace, we've been busy and are excited to share with you a double launch!

Read more: CEE Legal Matters Issue 8.7

CEE Legal Matters Issue 8.6

Don't be a slacker this summer. Sure, enjoy your Mojitos on sandy beaches if you can travel, but, before you hit the road, the July issue of the CEE Legal Matters magazine, out today, is one thing you *must* remember to pack.

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CEE Legal Matters Issue 8.5

Each new issue of the CEE Legal Matters is important, but some are importanter than others. The new issue of the CEE Legal Matters, which lists this year's CEE Deals of the Year Award Winners, absolutely qualifies as among the importantest we've ever published. And it's available now! 

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CEE Legal Matters Issue 8.4

Look, we know it's a little bit late. But what are you going to do? The preparation of our annual CEELM Index issue, consisting of the massive Table of Deals and illuminating tables and rankings, takes time. But breathe easy, because that period of preparation is over, and the special May 2021 issue of the CEE Legal Matters magazine is here!

Read more: CEE Legal Matters Issue 8.4

CEE Legal Matters Issue 8.3

You can sense it, can't you? The birds singing? Flowers starting to appear? A warming in the air all around you? A bounce in your step? Don't worry: you're not wrong. It's true, and you're right to be excited: The new issue of the CEE Legal Matters magazine is out now!

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CEE Legal Matters Issue 8.2

Once a month, like clockwork, a good reason to spend time by yourself, away from other people, appears. And that time has come again: The new issue of the CEE Legal Matters magazine is here!

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CEE Legal Matters Issue 8.1

The special "Year in Review/Year Kick-Off" issue of the CEE Legal Matters magazine, complete with all 2020 CEE Deals of the Year Submissions and our annual expert round table, is out now!

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CEE Legal Matters Issue 7.12

What's that? Look, deep under the tree, one final gift, hidden and then forgotten, lingers, awaiting your discovery. Rejoice, its moment has come, for yes, the January issue of the CEE Legal Matters magazine is here!

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CEE Legal Matters Issue 7.11

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication,” said Leonardo Da Vinci. And we agree. So we’ll keep it simple: The new issue of the CEE Legal Matters magazine is out now!

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CEE Legal Matters Issue 7.10

Cor' blimey, look what time it is, Guvnor! The special issue of the CEE Legal Matters magazine — focusing on the work English law firms and English lawyers are doing in CEE, as well as the presence and significance of English law in the region — is out now. So quit your whinging, put away your umbrella, take off your wellies, and pour yourself a cuppa. Settle in — it'll be brilliant!

Read more: CEE Legal Matters Issue 7.10