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The steady growth of the digital products market and an increasing demand for digital products required an adjustment to the Serbian VAT rules applicable to the supply of electronically supplied services (ESS), and that adjustment finally occurred in 2017. Combined with new rules on the VAT registrations of foreign suppliers, VAT obligations related to ESS became more straightforward.

A favorable tax system is viewed as one of the most significant incentives for foreign investment in a given country. According to this year’s World Bank’s and PwC Paying Taxes study, Lithuania ranks 27th globally in terms of the ease of paying taxes. It is indeed a high standing, ahead of other CEE countries such as Romania, Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary. We dare say the ranking accurately reflects the efficient operation of Lithuania’s tax system. 

The long-awaited tax reform has been finally approved by the Latvian parliament. Opposition to changes in such sensitive fields as taxes is inevitable, but it is clear now that the amendments to the country’s tax code will come into effect on January 1, 2018. 

Keeping track with the( hundreds of) changes to the Romanian tax legislation has never been an easy endeavor. This year things have been taken to a whole new level, as fiscal predictability, scarce as it was before, has disappeared entirely.

Ukraine revised transfer pricing rules and introduced new reporting and documentation requirements in 2013. Since then, the rules have been changed every year. And three years after the introduction of the new transfer pricing (TP) rules, we are witnessing an increasing wave of TP audits and the first TP disputes.

Tax Advisory Regulatory Situation

Historically Belarus has had a dual system of regulated legal services market, with one side populated by attorneys-at-law who served individuals and worked either individually or under the roof of territorial Bar Associations, and the other populated by licensed “business lawyers,” working both on their own and within law firms.

The current government campaigned before the elections with the slogan “Plugging leaks in the tax system,” and it is now trying to achieve that goal by focusing its efforts on fighting harder against VAT fraud, counteracting aggressive tax optimization in income taxes, and increasing the effectiveness of tax audits.  

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