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77 New Articles

The Legal Monitoring Report deals with amendments to the Law on Joint Stock Companies and the Compulsory Licensing Mechanism, ratification of the Agreement on the Transportation of Goods, and approval of Legal Framework on Cuber Security, the FISCALIS Agreement and Ecolabel Regulations.

The energy development strategy of the Republic of Serbia until 2025 with projections until 2030, as well as the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan, which is
currently being developed and adopted, foresee an increase in the share of energy obtained from renewable energy sources in the energy balance of the Republic of Serbia
as a strategic goal.

Significant changes are expected in the Hungarian tax system in the coming years, which could have a major impact on economic operators and individuals alike. As a result of the changes, the State is likely to lose significant revenues and the means to replace these revenues are not yet known.

The political landscape in Montenegro is dominated by the upcoming elections and the formation of a new government – sometimes leading to populist measures that may negatively affect certain industries – yet sectors like energy, tourism, and IT keep experiencing growth, according to BDK Advokati Senior Partner Luka Popovic.

At the 120th session held on 7 April 2023, the Council of the Commission for Protection of Competition issued an Instruction on the content and method of submitting a request for imposing data protection measure (“Instructions“), which specifies in more detail the content and method of submitting a request for imposing a measure of protection of data source and/or certain data, in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Competition (“Law“).

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