Tue, Jul
71 New Articles

Ten Partners at Kochanski & Partners have been elevated to Equity Partner status in 2022. These are: Pawel Cholewinski, Aleksandra Ryzkowska, Jacek Kozikowski, Andrzej Palys, Wojciech Wrochna, Agata Dziwisz-Moshe, Anna Gwiazda, Michal Konig, Pawel Mardas, and Mateusz Ostrowski.

Law on the Amendment of the Law on the Regulation of Tobacco, Tobacco Products and Alcohol Market and Certain Laws No. 7423 (the “Omnibus Bill”), which was submitted to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey on October 18, 2022 was legalized and published in the Official Gazette dated December 10, 2022 and numbered 32039. Some of the amendments in the Omnibus Bill entered into force on the date of its publication; while other amendments will enter into force on January 1, 2024.

The 2022 Fall Tax Package has been officially accepted by the Hungarian Parliament with the changes for 2023. The tax package does not bring fundamental changes, but includes finetuning with many different taxes, e.g. SMEs, real estate transactions and local business taxation.

Lack of public trust in the legal system together with factors beyond the country's control are adding to the complexity of the challenges in North Macedonia, yet things are going better than expected, according to Polenak Law Firm Managing Partner Kristijan Polenak.

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