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101 New Articles

With effect from 21 December 2024, the National Bank of Ukraine (“NBU”) introduced new exemptions from the moratorium on foreign currency cross-border transfers. Notably, these changes broaden the scope of existing exemption for Ukrainian corporate issuers permitting to make payments in connection with Eurobond-related obligations, described in our earlier legal alert.

Currently, the Croatian AML Act (Official Gazette no. 108/2007, 39/2019, 151/2022) uses the term “virtual assets,” while the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA) (EU Regulation 2023/1114), along with subsequent Implementing Act for MiCA (Official Gazette no. 85/2024) adopted by Croatian Parliament in July 2024), uses the term “crypto-assets.” Clearly governing the same, the terms used are similar, but slight nuances persist in definitions. Yet, inconsistency of legal terms should be avoided to prevent misinterpretation and confusion in legal applications.

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