Wed, Jul
77 New Articles

In the previous article, we reviewed in detail some of the proposals of the European Commission for a comprehensive overhaul of European pharmaceutical legislation, contained in the new draft Directive on the Union code relating to medicinal products for human use (the “Directive”) and in the draft Regulation laying down Union procedures for the authorisation and supervision of medicinal products for human use and establishing rules governing the European Medicines Agency (the “Regulation”), which were not addressed by the Bulgarian media.

At the beginning of May 2023, a new bill to amend certain laws to increase the competitiveness of the economy was submitted for public consultation. The bill proposes amendments to many laws, but the most important of these is the regulation of construction right in the Civil Code.

The European Commission is preparing a new regulation on so-called green bonds, the draft for which is already in its final form and should be approved by the European Parliament shortly. The regulation will allow issuers to issue bonds under the unified designation "European green bond", in exchange for compliance by issuers with certain conditions and obligations related to the financing of their sustainable projects.

A new Law on supplementing and amending of (i) Law no. 350/2001 on spatial planning and urbanism and (ii) Law no. 50/1991 on the authorization of the execution of construction works has been adopted by the Romanian Parliament on 11 May 2023 (law draft PL-x nr. 110/2023). To enter into force, the law is yet to be promulgated by the President and subsequently published in the Official Gazette.

Starting on 22 May 2023, it will be possible to establish and register family foundations in Poland. The Polish legal system will thus be expanded by a new institution that allows assets to be accumulated and managed, and profits to be distributed to beneficiaries. The legislature wished to provide the means for family-owned businesses and their owners to engage in intergenerational wealth management and to grow their wealth over time while protecting it from dispersal to unrelated entities and persons. Hence, family foundations may serve as a means to retain and multiply a family's wealth, independent of inheritance law.