Sending marketing emails is an excellent way to increase sales. Those who don’t make sales don’t do business. However, a question arises as to whether this complies with strict data protection rules. It is known that the Data Protection Inspectorate is increasingly vigilant and imposes hefty fines for violations.
The Revocation of the Act on the Employment of Guest Workers
On 5 October 2023, the Government adopted a new decision according to which it will review the current regulation on the entry, residence and employment of third-country nationals in Hungary with the aim of tightening the statutory provisions in this respect.
Legal Entities are Obliged to Register in Unified Judicial Information and Telecommunication System
On 18 October 2023, Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Mandatory Registration and Use of Electronic Offices in the Unified Judicial Information and Telecommunication System or its Separate Subsystem (Module) Enabling Document Exchange” No. 3200-IX, dated 29 June 2023, will be enacted (“Law”).
Moldova - Corporate Amendments
As of October 22, 2023, a number of significant legal amendments come into effect regarding the relationships between shareholders and founders of commercial companies in the Republic of Moldova. These amendments introduce essential reforms to the Limited Liability Company Law No. 135/2007 and aim to enhance the business environment, facilitate investments, and strengthen shareholder relationships.
Amendments to the Civil Procedure Code on Mandatory Registration and Use of Electronic Offices in the UJITS
On 18 October 2023, the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Mandatory Registration and Use of Electronic Offices in the Unified Judicial Information and Telecommunication System (UJITS) or its separate subsystem (module) that provides for the exchange of documents" No. 3200-IX dated 29 June 2023 (hereinafter - the Law) was enacted. The Law amends the provisions of the procedural codes, in particular the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine (hereinafter - the CPC).
5G CAM: Revolutionizing Cross-Border Mobility
5G is the fifth-generation mobile network, which promises to lead to a revolution, particularly in transportation. This article focuses on connected and automated mobility (CAM), an offspring of 5G. CAM lets vehicles communicate with each other and with the surrounding infrastructure. Such communication can, in fact, enhance road safety, ease traffic jams, and cut CO2 emissions. With this in mind, countries worldwide are diligently working on developing 5G cross-border corridors.
The Fate Of Building Permits Following The Cancellation Of The Zonal Urban Plan Of The 2nd District
On 7 June 2023, Bucharest Tribunal annulled, in the first instance, the zonal urban plan („ZUP”) of the 2nd District and suspended its effects until the final resolution of the case file, noting that it reduced green spaces, allowing the construction on tens of hectares of such areas, including areas occupied by parks, lakes, sports fields, etc. The case file is currently in appeal before Bucharest Court of Appeal[1].
Romania: Who (Else) Can Claim the Nullity of a Share Transfer?
Can one or more of a company's shareholders claim that a transfer of shares to third parties by other shareholders is null, even if the claimants were not interested in acquiring those shares? And when faced with such a claim, would Romanian courts rule in favour of the claimant? A recent court ruling has answered both questions with a resounding "yes", opening new horizons in M&A-related matters in Romania.
Immediate Termination for Breach of Company Policy? The Hungarian Supreme Court Ruled
The Hungarian Labour Code specifies that the dismissal by the employer may be in relation to the behaviour of the employee, but it does not specify exactly what kind of behaviours can be considered. The question arises as to whether the employer can define the possible reasons for termination in its own regulations, if so, can the termination be based solely on the violation of the internal regulations? In our article, we analyse this question based on the recent decision of the Supreme Court.
Impact of the EU Directive on Ensuring a Global Minimum Level of Taxation for MNE Groups on Corporate Income Tax in Serbia and Montenegro
Starting from 1 January 2024, the Council Directive (EU) 2022/2523 of 14 December 2022 on ensuring a global minimum level of taxation for multinational enterprise groups and large-scale domestic groups in the Union (hereinafter: Directive) will start to apply.
Textile Waste Management: New EU Rules Proposed
It may come as no surprise to interested parties (such as textile and footwear producers, environmental specialists and activists) that the European Commission has proposed a targeted revision of the Waste Framework Directive to address the issue of textile waste (the “Proposal”).
New Rules for the Connection of Power Plants to the System
The new Decree on Conditions for the Delivery and Supply of Electrical Energy in Serbia enters into force today, 13 October 2023. Long-awaited regulation sends the signal that the connection procedure for new projects that has been basically on hold for more than two and a half years will be deblocked soon.
Key Amendment to the Code of Commercial Companies in Domestic Company Reorganisations
The amendment to the Code of Commercial Companies (CCC), which came into force on 15 September 2023, introduced the possibility of dividing commercial companies by separation – that is, in essence, the creation of subsidiaries within which property can be transferred using the principle of general succession. A number of changes have also been introduced with regard to international and domestic mergers.
New Rules for Connection to the Electric Energy Grid
The adoption of the Law on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources in 2021 created a very favorable environment for investments in green energy. Recognizing the opportunities and incentives, investors in a short period of time submitted a large number of requests to Elektromreža Srbije as a transmission system operator ("TSO") for the connection of future power plants using renewable energy sources. More precisely, requests for the connection of 22,000 MW have been submitted so far, while the total capacity of the power plants connected to the system is about 8,500 MW.
Czech Republic: Major Amendment to Labour Code
The latest amendment to the Labour Code implemented, among other things, the EU Directives on Work-life Balance and on Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions into Czech law. The amendment was enacted by the President of the Czech Republic on 17 September 2023 and entered into force shortly thereafter, on 1 October 2023. The deadline for transposing these directives had already passed, so it is a case of better late than never.
State Intervention in Setting of Prices of Basic Goods and Services
Recently, there has been a strong trend in several EU Member States to correct economy imbalances through price and tariff capping measures. This is also the case in Romania, where certain industries or market segments are subject to capping and control measures. (e.g., MTPL insurance, certain segments of the energy market, staple foods, etc.).
Can You Terminate a Long-Term Framework Contract Referring to the Coronavirus as Force Majeure in Hungary?
There is no doubt that the coronavirus pandemic was a fundamental shock to the Hungarian economy. Many business operators have tried to reduce their losses by terminating contracts, referring to the coronavirus as force majeure cause and there have now been more court decisions in such cases. A recent one deals with the question whether a long-term framework contract may be terminated because of the impossibility of the performance, invoking the coronavirus as a force majeure.
Albanian Draft Law on Gambling
Albania is taking significant steps towards ending its five-year prohibition on sports betting, with a draft law recently passing for consideration in the Albanian Parliament. The initial Gambling Law of 2015 defined permissible games of chance, regulated industry conditions, and outlined oversight responsibilities. However, since 2018, Albania has strictly banned gambling activities, except for those within state-sanctioned casinos.