Wed, Jul
71 New Articles

In accordance with the 2021 amendments to the Law on Companies, delivery of electronic documents to Serbian companies shall be performed to the registered mail on the e-government portal (eUprava).

The Government of the Republic of Serbia, at its session held on 4 May 2023, adopted the Draft Amendments to the Planning and Construction Act, so that, in due course, the adoption of the Draft and the adoption of the amendments to the Planning and Construction Act can be expected.

Following two (2) years of uncertainty, at the behest of the Romanian Government, the Ministry for Finance published the draft Government Decision for the approval of procedures for the authorisation and/or registration of providers engaged in exchange services between virtual currencies and fiat currencies, as well as custodian wallet providers, on 12 May 2023. The Decision also included procedures for granting and withdrawing technical endorsements (the "Draft Decision").

In this second installment of our series focusing on the risks posed by artificial intelligence (AI) and the legislative initiatives in the US to address them, we will be examining the proposed AI Bill of Rights.

The new Law on Safety and Health at Work was published on April 29, 2023, in the Official Gazette of RS no. 35/23 and went into force on May 7, 2023. With the entry into force of the new law, it completely ceases to be valid the previous Law on Safety and Health at Work (“Official Gazette of RS”, nos. 101/2005, 91/2015 and 113/2017).

A significant part of the provisions of the Government decree on the detailed rules of the operation of the extended producer responsibility system will enter into force on 1 July 2023, however, some provisions are already applicable from 1 April.

On 24 May 2023, the European Commission published "the most ambitious legislative proposal since the inception of EU financial regulation ", as the Commissioner for Financial Services Mairead McGuinnes described the proposal for a directive as regards the retail investor protection rules (Retail Investment Package).

On 16 March 2023, the Court of Justice of the European Union (“ECJ”) published its judgment on Towercast’s appeal against the French Competition Authority’s decision in Towercast’s case (Case No. C-449/21), confirming that abuse of dominance rules may equally apply ex post to transactions in which national and EU merger control thresholds were not met.