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On 17 June 2024 the Ministry of Finance published a draft law amending the Polish real estate tax (RET) regulations. The amendment is primarily aimed at adjusting Polish RET regulations to last year's verdicts of the Constitutional Tribunal (ref. SK 14/21 and SK 23/19) questioning the constitutionality of the existing regulations and repealing them with effect from the beginning of 2025. However, the proposed changes may also significantly affect the RET burden for entities from a wide range of business industries.

Facial recognition has recently become something mundane: for example, every day we can see smartphones that offer the option to unlock the phone using the owner’s face.

On 18 June 2024, by Order of the Ukrainian National Office for Intellectual Property and Innovations ("UANIPIO") No. 93/2024, the personnel of the Appeals Chamber of the UANIPIO ("Appeals Chamber") was approved. Notwithstanding the challenges associated with the war, the Appeals Chamber has resumed work.

In February 2020 the Hungarian Competition Authority initiated a competition supervisory procedure against Viber Media (operator of the Viber app, seated in Luxembourg) which was likely to infringe the prohibition of unfair commercial practice against consumers. During the procedure, Viber made commitments aiming at the avoidance of penalties. The procedure ended on 16 May 2024 with a decision where the authority, without finding an infringement or lack of infringement, obliged Viber to fulfil its commitments.

Bulgaria has outlined a procedure for electronic labour records (ELR) in a draft Ordinance published for public consultations on 21 May 2024. The switch to ELR will take effect on 1 June 2025, as stipulated by recent amendments to the Labour Code. This represents a significant step in the long-awaited digitalisation of employment records.

Recent legislative changes in the gambling field have generated a series of economic challenges for this industry, leading more and more organizers to cease or restructure their activities.

The rise of social media has transformed marketing strategies across the globe, and Serbia is no exception. Influencers - individuals with significant social media followings - play a pivotal role in promoting products and services. The influencer marketing industry has experienced remarkable growth over the past few years. As of 2024, it is projected to reach a market size of $24 billion, up from $21.1 billion in 2023. However, with this growing industry comes the necessity for regulation to ensure transparency, consumer protection, and ethical practices.

Inclusion, diversity, and equity (ID&E) are fundamental principles that shape the fabric of modern societies and industries. Within the legal profession, these principles not only reflect our commitment to justice and equality but also drive innovation, foster creativity, and enhance client service. In Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), where the gradual democratization and opening of societies since the 1990s has largely driven greater acceptance of diverse perspectives and communities, it is imperative for lawyers and law firms to take a leading role in advancing ID&E.  In this article, we discuss how investing in inclusion, diversity, and equity can help your firm unleash the full potential of your workforce, foster creativity, and drive sustainable success.

As the UEFA Football Championship is now underway, football fans across Europe are buzzing with excitement. This sporting event is not just a celebration of top-tier talent and national pride but also a time when fans proudly sport their team’s colours. However, a troubling issue looms large: the rise of counterfeit football jerseys.

Recently, the Artificial Intelligence Coalition (MIK) informed the relevant committee of the Hungarian Parliament about possible trends in the sector. The MIK’s goal is clear: to put Hungary at the forefront of AI developments and applications in Europe and to become a member of the international AI community. In this process, it will bring together users, market players, academia, professional organisations and public institutions.

The Slovak government proposes a bill introducing indirect tax on sweetened non-alcoholic beverages with added sugar or sweeteners. Due to the voting majority in the National Council, it may be expected that the bill will be passed and will become effective from 1 January 2025.

Since July 1, 2023, Ukraine has been a member of the international automatic exchange of information regarding financial accounts pursuant to the Common Reporting Standard (CRS). The international exchange of information includes 123 countries (as of May 2024).

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