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72 New Articles

1 March 2024 marks the date when the Transformations Act No. 309/2023 came into force in Slovakia. This regulation comprehensively outlines the procedures for national and cross-border mergers, divisions, and conversions of companies and cooperatives, moving away from the previously scattered provisions in the Commercial Code.

On 22 February 2024, the government adopted a proposal for a new Act on Judicial Protection Procedure for Former Holders of Qualified Liabilities of Banks ("ZPSVIKOB-1 Proposal"),the purpose of which is to eliminate the identified unconstitutionality of the previous Act ("ZPSVIKOB") and to finally appropriately regulate the procedure under which former holders could claim compensation for the controversial decisions of the Bank of Slovenia on the cancellation of their qualified liabilities in 2013.

In order to promote the health of employees and prevent workplace accidents, the Hungarian Government had significantly increased the fines for the breach of occupational health and safety rules as of 1 March 2024. The rule on its amount was removed from the applicable act and its details were laid down in a government decree.

As we move into yet another year with the special surtaxes in effect, the question justifiably arises: for how much longer will the extra-profit taxes, those labelled initially as temporary, encumber the Hungarian taxpayers’ declarations. Also, businesses now have to face additional burdens, such as the EPR fees, the carbon quota tax or the global minimum of the corporate income tax.

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