Radu si Asociatii has advised the Electrica Group on a merger through which Societatea de Distributie a Energiei Electrice Transilvania Nord S.A. absorbed two other group distribution companies: SDEE Transilvania Sud S.A. and SDEE Muntenia Nord S.A.
According to Radu si Asociatii, “following the merger, a single company continues to exist, respectively, Distributie Energie Electrica Romania S.A." According to the firm, "DEER offers services in 18 counties, in three geographical areas of the country, towards 3.8 million users. Thus, the new company becomes the most important national electricity distribution operator, with a coverage of 40.7% of Romania.”
Radu si Asociatii’s team included Partner Radu Daiaconu, Director Andrei Stefanovici, Managing Associates Georgiana Nichita and Anca Atanasiu, and Senior Associates Claudia Grosu and Alexandra Constantin.