Katarzyna Baranska has become Partner and Head of Infrastructure & Environment at Kochanski & Partners.
Baranska specializes in advising on major infrastructure projects, renewable energy sources, environmental law, and municipal investments. According to Kochanski & Partners, “Katarzyna has considerable experience in renewable energy investments, including both due diligence and transaction advisory, in addition to representing clients before public administration authorities. She has advised on the construction and development of wind and photovoltaic farms and hydroelectric power plants, handling also projects relating to the construction of infrastructure for mineral extraction.”
Baranska has a Master’s degree and a Ph.D. in Law from Warsaw University. Before joining Kochanski & Partners, she spent almost seven years with White & Case and over six years with PwC Legal.
“Due to their scale, investments in the energy market are multidisciplinary and clients expect lawyers to offer advisory on not only energy law, but also e.g. environmental law or infrastructure issues,” commented Wojciech Wrochna, the Head of Energy, Natural Resources & Chemicals at Kochanski & Partners. “Therefore, with Katarzyna on-board, we can provide our clients with synergy across the areas they find important, offering our unique and streamlined infrastructure, energy, construction and environmental competences.”