Thu, Feb
101 New Articles

On June 28, 2022, CEE Legal Matters reported that Motieka & Audzevicius, working with Osborne Clarke, had advised the Orion Private Equity Debt Fund I on its EUR 7 million acquisition of secured mezzanine bonds issued by Austrian real estate developer Soini Asset to finance its real estate projects in Germany. CEE In-House Matters spoke with Benas Poderis, Head of Investment Management Department at the Orion Private Equity Debt Fund I to learn more about the deal.

On July 12, four leading lawyers from Croatia, Lithuania, Poland, and Romania sat down for a virtual round table moderated by CEE Legal Matters Managing Editor Radu Cotarcea to discuss the latest in ESG developments with a focus on green financing, its regional and local drivers and roadblocks, its impact on non-financial reporting, and what it all means for the legal profession.

On July 18, 2017, an elite selection of Baltic legal experts from both the private practice and in-house worlds gathered at Cobalt’s Riga office for an in-depth discussion about the Baltic legal markets.

The commercial legal markets of Central & Eastern Europe didn’t appear automatically. They didn’t develop in a vacuum. They were formed, shaped, and led, by lawyers – visionary, hard-working, commercially-minded, and client-focused individuals pulling the development of CEE’s legal markets along behind them as they labored relentlessly for their clients, their careers, their futures.