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Baltic Firms Take Sides in ECJ Dispute

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Spilbridge has announced its role in a dispute involving the appropriateness and effectiveness of a freezing injunction and receivership order by the English High Court.

According to the Latvian firm, proceedings initiated in the High Court in London by Antonio Gramsci Ltd. and others against Aivars Lembergs, et al, resulted in a 2013 world-wide freezing injunction and a receivership order in support of the freezing injunction. A year later both orders remain unenforced in Latvia. Spilbridge has argued on behalf of its clients that the High Court's injunction and order concern persons (and their assets) that are not involved in the proceedings, and thus that their enforcement is “manifestly contrary to public policy in Latvia.”

Lawyers from LAWIN, Sorainen, BLS Kronbergs & Cukste argued in opposition.

The Latvian Supreme Court has decided to refer the matter to the Court of Justice of the European Union for a preliminary ruling concerning the enforcement of the freezing injunction, and the enforcement proceedings of the receivership order will remain stayed pending a discharge application in the High Court in London.

Spilbridge explained that “it is hoped that the ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union will render unenforceable in the European Union such freezing injunctions and receivership orders that affect such persons (and their assets) that are not involved in the proceedings before the English court.”