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89 New Articles

There are not many legal sectors that experience the ground-breaking changes which employment law faces every year on the Romanian market. In the past 3 years, our legislator’s appetite to regulate and overregulate matters like avoiding harassment at work, amending long established legal templates, or the new law on social dialogue have strongly shaken the peaceful climate of employment relationships.

Effective from 2 February 2025, the provisions of Chapter 1 and 2 of the EU Regulation no. 2024/1689 laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence (“EU AI Act”) regarding AI literacy and the ban on use of AI systems that pose unacceptable risks have entered into force.

In terms of competition, the year 2024 was marked by 2 important milestones – the first part of the year, until the appointment of the new Plenum of the Competition Council, during which the authority focused on finalizing some internal issues (rulings and other procedural matters), and the second part of the year, when the new Plenum of the Competition Council started its activity, showing the first signs of the strategy for the next two and a half years.

Filip & Company has elected its new management team which will be led by Co-Managing Partners Cristina Filip and Alexandru Birsan for a period of four years.

PwC's Romanian affiliate D&B David and Baias has advised the Altex group, owned by Romanian entrepreneur Dan Ostahie, on its acquisition of Brico Depot’s Romanian network from Kingfisher. Filip & Company and A&O Shearman reportedly advised Kingfisher.

Greenberg Traurig and Filip & Company have advised Polish chemical group Qemetica on its acquisition of PPG's precipitated silica business for approximately PLN 1.2 billion (USD 310 million). Hogan Lovells advised PPG.

Filip & Company and Deloitte Legal-affiliated Reff & Asociatii have successfully represented BT Leasing Transilvania IFN before the Bucharest Court of Appeal in a first-instance decision that annulled a Competition Council Decision imposing fines on 16 companies and the Financial Services Association following an investigation into the financial leasing market.

Filip & Company Partner Catalin Alexandru dives into Romania's legal and business landscape, examining the impact of election-year dynamics on regulatory activity, the Constitutional Court's landmark decision on the windfall tax, the surge in public-private partnerships tied to infrastructure projects, and the general market trends.

REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts), the investment structure focused on real estate assets and related revenues generated by them has been implemented and used around the world due to the advantages brought to its investors.

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Filip & Company at a Glance

Filip & Company is one of the leading law firms in Romania providing top quality assistance in all relevant areas of law for businesses operating in Romania or considering Romania. Specialized in complex projects that require an innovative approach, Filip & Company lawyers have significant experience in various areas, such as infrastructure and concession, mergers and acquisitions, energy, corporate, real estate, competition law, finance, and capital markets but also labour law, data protection, consumer or environment protection. The law firm also provides legal assistance and representation in disputes and arbitrations with significant implications for the clients’ businesses.

To find out more about Filip & Company’s expertise areas and team, please visit https://filipandcompany.com/