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Sorainen Advises Skoda on Sale of Trains to Eesti Liinirongid

Sorainen Advises Skoda on Sale of Trains to Eesti Liinirongid

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The Tallinn office of Sorainen has advised Skoda on its agreement to sell six trains to Eesti Liinirongid, operating under the Elron brand name, with an additional option to buy ten more in coming years. Eesti Liinirongid was advised on the procurement process by Blessner.

Eesti Liinirongid is a state-owned company organizing railway transportation, including passenger transportation and the provision of other accompanying services as well as repairs of railway rolling stock.

According to Sorainen, “the trains are two-system and therefore able to service the new electrified route, but also the older contact system routes. The new trains are part of the modernization of the Estonian train fleet. The six trains will cost EUR 55.2 million in total, which includes the cost of building the trains, as well as the cost of providing a package of spare parts and materials for the first five years of working life for the trains.”

‘‘The new trains will contribute greatly to increasing the environmental friendliness of our transport connections," commented Merike Saks, Chairman of the Board at Elron, "and launching those trains will hopefully also alleviate the current load on one of the most popular railway lines in Estonia."

Sorainen’s team included Partner Carri Ginter, Senior Associates Kadri Harginen and Kaido Kunnapas, and Associates Gerli Helene Gritsenko and Mario Sorm.

Blessner's team included Lawyer Alar Urm.