Zivkovic Samardzic has advised Fifth Quarter Ventures on the legal process for becoming an alternative investment fund in Serbia.
According to Zivkovic Samardzic, "on April 21, 2023, the Securities Commission brought a decision to grant a permit to Fifth Quarter Ventures, which enables Fifth Quarter Ventures to transform into an alternative investment fund management company, allowing it to step into the final procedural phase before the Securities Commission for obtaining the vital permit to establish an alternative investment fund in Serbia."
"Fifth Quarter Ventures is founded with the idea to be an early-stage venture capital fund focused on investing in top start-ups from the Western Balkans," the firm informed. "Also, with its experienced founders and proven business model, Fifth Quarter Ventures will help start-ups that currently outgrow local investors and introduce them to the top foreign venture capitals. Finally, Fifth Quarter Ventures’ strategy is also directed to the start-ups run by Serbian and Croatian founders in the diaspora, which can benefit from Fifth Quarter Ventures' connections, and to the elite US and Canadian start-ups which have a Balkan presence that seeks help with product-building and faster execution."
The Zivkovic Samardzic team included Partners Igor Zivkovski and Sava Pavlovic and Associate Ana Grebo.