Wed, Jul
77 New Articles

The new act on the limitation of the environmental impact of selected plastic products (the “Act”) is a transposition of the European Directives 2008/98/EC on waste and in particular the 2019/904 on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment. 

Recently local authorities have been hit by rising electricity costs. No-one’s surprised nowadays when electricity purchase prices rise by several hundred percent or when tenders are repeatedly cancelled. As a result, local authorities often decide to take radical steps - temporary closures of public facilities, limited street lighting or turning off the illumination of buildings have become standard in some towns and cities. There’s no doubt that a major part of the electricity purchased by local government goes on street lighting systems, which are often inefficient in terms of energy consumption. In many cases, it might be a good idea to have a look at using public-private partnerships as a way to upgrade street lighting systems and cut electricity requirements. It is also worth taking note that developing this model for implementing public tasks in the street lighting sector is explicitly included in the strategic document Polish Energy Policy until 2040 issued by the Ministry of Climate and Environment and setting the framework for the energy transition in Poland.

Vlasceanu & Partners has advised Econergy on the EUR 150 million financing from Phoenix Insurance for the development of its PV project pipeline in Romania and Poland and on the EUR 250 million financing from RGreen Invest for renewable energy investments across Europe.

Triniti Jurex has announced the appointment of Karolina Laurynaite and Evaldas Pocevicius as Partners, while Gintare Ivanauskaite and Akvile Buzinskaite have been appointed as Associate Partners at the firm.

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