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On February 22, 2024, Bulgaria, previously one of the few remaining EU countries without foreign direct investment (FDI) controls, introduced a new FDI screening regime in accordance with the EU FDI Screening Regulation 2019/452 (the “EU FDI Screening Regulation”).

Former Deloitte Legal Partners Ryszard Manteuffel and Robert Semczuk have joined the CMS Corporate/M&A practice in Poland as a Partner and a Counsel, respectively.

Until recently, Bulgaria was one of the few remaining EU countries not to have adopted a foreign direct investment (FDI) screening regime. However, this was set to change with the introduction of a bill in late June 2023 to amend the Investment Promotion Act. This amendment implements the screening mechanism outlined in Regulation (EU) 2019/452 (the "EU FDI Screening Regulation").

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