Sun, Sep
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The European Court of Justice (CJEU) likely anticipated a wave of GDPR-related referrals. Few such matters receive as much attention from the public and lawyers as questions on GDPR damages.

In a critical move to face the rapidly evolving technological novelties and their immanent implications on the protection of personal data and the business environment in general, the Serbian Government adopted the Personal Data Protection Strategy 2023 – 2030 (the “Strategy”) late this August.

Not even half a year has passed since ChatGPT’s AI-supported chatbot started its public career in the online space and we have already heard of the first (?) lawyer who got in trouble in court for using AI to do background research. For those who missed the story, the chatbot “created” some fake case law examples, and upon several follow-up questions, the AI even confirmed that the cases were real. The references to these cases were then submitted to a US court where it quickly became clear that the cases never existed. Apart from the procedural problems this caused for the lawyer involved, this was an eye-opener for many in the legal industry.

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