CMS Sofia has successfully represented Bezmer Energy in a dispute against the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Bulgaria involving the country's feed-In tariff.
According to CMS, Bulgaria's Supreme Court of Cassation agreed with Bezmer Energy's claim that it should be compensated for the 20% reduction of the feed-In tariff that was enacted by the Bulgarian legislation in 2013 and then repealed by the Bulgarian Constitutional Court in 2014. Bezmer Energy was also awarded with interest and court costs. According to the firm, the case "establishes an important precedent for all other pending cases related to the feed-In tariff cuts in Bulgaria."
CMS's team was led by Sofia Managing Partner Kostadin Sirleshtov and Partner Assen Georgiev and included Consultant Maria Lazarova, Associate Yana Antonova, and Trainee Teodora Peycheva.