Contributed by Act Legal WMWP Rechtsanwalte.
Banking & Finance in Albania
Contributed by Kalo & Associates.
Ukraine: Priorities of Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine for year 2023 and looking back at 2022 performance
At the end of March, the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (the "AMC") published its Annual Report for 2022 (the "Report").
Last Call for Registration to E-Government Services
In accordance with the 2021 amendments to the Law on Companies, delivery of electronic documents to Serbian companies shall be performed to the registered mail on the e-government portal (eUprava).
Proposal for Amendments to the Law On Planning and Construction
The Government of the Republic of Serbia, at its session held on 4 May 2023, adopted the Draft Amendments to the Planning and Construction Act, so that, in due course, the adoption of the Draft and the adoption of the amendments to the Planning and Construction Act can be expected.
Banking & Finance in Romania
Contributed by Popescu & Asociatii.
Capital Markets in Austria
Contributed by Schoenherr.
Capital Markets in Bulgaria
Contributed by Tsvetkova Bebov and Partners, a member of Eversheds Sutherland.
Capital Markets in Croatia
Contributed by Deloitte Legal.
Capital Markets in Hungary
Contributed by KCG Partners.
Capital Markets in Lithuania
Contributed by Walless.
Capital Markets in Moldova
Contributed by ACI Partners.
Capital Markets in Poland
Contributed by SK Legal Stokłosa & Kot.
Capital Markets in Serbia
Contributed by Karanovic & Partners.
Capital Markets in Slovakia
Contributed by Majernik & Mihalikova.
Capital Markets in Slovenia
Contributed by Jadek & Pensa.
Capital Markets in Turkey
Contributed by Kolcuoglu Demirkan Kocakli.
Capital Markets in UK
Contributed by Slaughter and May.