Tue, Jul
73 New Articles

Ellex has advised the coordinating committee of ED&F Man Group’s senior creditors in refinancing and extending the group’s financial debt, with the transaction taking place simultaneously in over 30 jurisdictions.

Havel & Partners' Veronika Dvorakova and Ivan Rames have become Equity Partners, while Lenka Stikova Gachova, Michal Smrcek, and Josef Zaloudek have been promoted to Partner.

At the end of 2020, the Chairman of the Czech Competition Authority (CCA) was replaced. Petr Rafaj, who had been in the position for more than 11 years and who had been linked to several controversial cases, resigned. The government, through a tender procedure, selected his successor: Petr Mlsna. The aim of the 42-year-old lawyer, who has extensive experience working in senior government positions, is to return the good reputation of the CCA. Mlsna emphasizes strengthening the importance of competition law as part of the CCA’s competencies.

An amendment to the VAT Act in e-commerce is expected to come into effect in the coming days as part of the ongoing law-making process. The amendment implements the EU Council’s tax package into the Czech system of laws. It also introduces significant changes to imports, cross-border trade within the EU and extends the possibilities for the use of the special one-stop-shops.

On 14 September 2021, the Chamber of Deputies approved the long-awaited amendment to Act No. 48/1997 Coll., on Public Health Insurance (the “Act”), as returned by the Senate (the “Amendment”). It now awaits signing by the President of the Czech Republic. The Amendment brings a wide range of changes and innovations, such as rules for the entry of innovative drugs and orphan drugs into the reimbursement system, the creation of centres for rare diseases and mental health centres, and the introduction of a definition of a patient organisation.

With the implementation deadline for the EU Directive on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law (17 December 2021) approaching, here is a summary of the current state of the respective national measures in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and an introduction to our own whistleblowing solution: FairWhistle.

Privacy pros are now celebrating the three-year anniversary of the GDPR, even as we are living through the current pandemic. It is, in fact, almost impossible to talk about privacy trends without touching on the COVID-19 crisis.

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