Thu, Jul
59 New Articles

Radu Taracila Padurari Retevoescu has advised Evolution Prest Systems – owner of the evomag.ro e-commerce website – on its acquisition of a majority stake in Elefant Online. The same firm advised Elefant minority shareholder Catalyst Romania on the sale of its stake to Evomag.

Rymarz Zdort Maruta has advised Polska Grupa Energetyczna on the formation of PGE PAK Energia Jadrowa – a joint venture of PGE and ZE PAK, each with a 50% shareholding – for the development of Poland’s second nuclear power plant to be constructed in Patnow. 

Dentons has advised arranger, original lender, agent, and security agent Raiffeisen Bank International on a EUR 21.9 million term loan facility for the development of a 31.5-megawatt portfolio of eight photovoltaic power plants in Romania to companies owned and operated by Photon Energy NV.

Dentons Turkish affiliate Balcioglu Selcuk Ardiyok Keki Attorney Partnership has advised APY Ventures' Bilisim Vadisi Venture Capital Fund and Ostim Venture Capital Fund on their investment in Buyutech.

The Cizmovic law firm and Moravcevic, Vojnovic, and Partners in cooperation with Schoenherr have successfully represented UniCredit Bank Banja Luka in a dispute with Bitminer Factory, leading to the overturning of a EUR 131 million first instance judgment. Reportedly, the Vila law firm is representing UniCredit Bank Banja Luka in relation to the criminal charges that the bank filed against Bitminer Factory.

Cobalt has successfully represented the interests of Tukuma Auto in a dispute against the Road Transport Administration in Latvia regarding amendments to procurement agreements executed with Nordeka for the provision of public transport services by buses on regional route networks.

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