Cobalt has successfully represented Estonian citizen Ivan Turogin before the Supreme Court on the admissibility of electronic surveillance as an alternative to arrest for defendants during extradition proceedings.
Harrisons Advises EBRD on EUR 5 Million Loan to Banca Intesa Belgrade Supporting Women-Led Businesses
Harrisons has advised the EBRD on its EUR 5 million loan to Banca Intesa Belgrade for on-lending to women-led businesses.
Cobalt Advises Storent Holdings on EUR 10.5 Million Bond Issuance
Cobalt has advised Latvian construction equipment rental company Storent Holdings on its EUR 10.5 million issuance of bonds with an 11% interest rate and December 2025 maturity as well as on their listing on the Baltic Bond List of Nasdaq Riga on June 27, 2023.
Pohla & Hallmagi Advises Restate on Acquisition of Land from Mannilatv Kapital
Pohla & Hallmagi has advised Restate Property Development on its acquisition of development land in Saku Parish from Mannilatv Kapital.
Herbst Kinsky Advises on Thalia Acquisition of Minority Stake in Storylution
Herbst Kinsky has advised Austria's Storylution on the entry of Thalia Buecher into the company through the acquisition of a minority stake as part of a capital increase. Heuking Kuhn Luer Wojtek advised Thalia.
Kyriakides Georgopoulos Advises Blue Grid Gas & Power on Biogas Production Unit Acquisition
Kyriakides Georgopoulos has advised Blue Grid Gas & Power on the acquisition of the 999-kilowatt Biomesti biogas production unit in Mesti, Evros.
Schoenherr Advises Audiotonix Group on Sonible Acquisition
Schoenherr, working with the UK's Marriott Harrison, has advised the professional audio mixing console manufacturer Audiotonix Group on its acquisition of Austrian start-up Sonible. Held Berdnik Astner & Partner and RafterMarsh reportedly advised the sellers.
Pohla & Hallmagi and Ellex Advises on Sale of Mobire Group to InBank
Pohla & Hallmagi has advised the minority shareholders of the Mobire Group on the sale of part of their shareholding in the company to InBank. Ellex advised InBank.
Schoenherr and Wolf Theiss Advise on Raiffeisen-Landesbank Steiermark EUR 500 Million Issuance
Schoenherr has advised the joint lead managers on Raiffeisen-Landesbank Steiermark’s EUR 500 million issuance of mortgage-covered bonds. Wolf Theiss advised the issuer.
Kyriakides Georgopoulos Advises Simply Blue on Archirodon Group Partnership
Kyriakides Georgopoulos has advised the Simply Blue Group on its collaboration with Archirodon to explore the Greek offshore wind market.
Wolf Theiss Advises Astorg on Separation of Fastmarkets from Delinian
Wolf Theiss, working with Ropes & Gray, has advised Astorg on the separation of price-reporting agency Fastmarkets from businesss and financial information company Delinian.
Tsvetkova Bebov & Partners Advises Bulgarian-American Credit Bank on MREL Bond Issuance
Eversheds Sutherland member Tsvetkova Bebov & Partners has advised the Bulgarian-American Credit Bank on a EUR 15 million private placement of senior non-preferred MREL notes.
Binder Groesswang Advises Austria Wirtschaftsservice on VC Fund Introduction
Binder Groesswang has advised Austria Wirtschaftsservice on the launch of its new venture capital fund, AWS Gruenderfonds II, focusing on initial growth investments in innovative and sustainable technologies in Austria.
Kinstellar Helps Budapest Stock Exchange Go Public
Kinstellar has advised the Budapest Stock Exchange Plc on listing its shares in the BSE regulated market Standard category. The company went public on June 21, 2023, on the 33rd anniversary of its re-establishment.
Sayenko Kharenko Advises on GBP 26.3 Million Reconstruction Loan to Ukraine
Sayenko Kharenko has advised Citibank and UK Export Finance on a GBP 26.3 million equivalent export loan provided to Ukraine under UKEF’s guarantee, to finance the reconstruction of bridges around Kyiv.
Motieka Advises on Anderson Optimization Sale to PVcase
Motieka & Audzevicius, working with Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath, has advised the shareholders of Anderson Optimization on the sale of the company to PVcase. Sorainen and Gunderson Dettmer reportedly advised PVcase.
Komnenic & Partners and Karanovic & Partners Advise on Financing for Kotor-Lovcen Cable Car Project
Komnenic & Partners has advised Novi Volvox, Leitner, and Zicara Kotor-Lovcen DOO on the financing for the Kotor-Lovcen cable car project from OTP Bank. Karanovic & Partners advised OTP Bank through its CKB Bank subsidiary.
Freshfields Provides Pro Bono Advice to Ministry of Economy for Ukraine Development Fund
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer has signed the memorandum of understanding and is providing pro bono legal advice to the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine as it establishes a development fund to attract public and private sector capital for the future reconstruction and recovery of its economy.