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It is well known that the legislation on agricultural land and forestry is very strict and diverse, especially in comparison with the legislation on other private law matters. However, complying with these regulations must be even more difficult if the person who wants to acquire the ownership of a land is a citizen of another country and therefore is not familiar with the relevant Hungarian legislation. With the following, we offer a brief summary of the mandatory aspects of land acquisition in Hungary.

After the covid-19 pandemic, the EU economy is now being disrupted by the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The rising energy prices and disrupted supply chains have resulted in a further increase in inflation. According to the Hungarian Central Statistics Office, average inflation in Hungary was 24.5% in December 2022, the highest in the European Union. However, inflation of food products was even higher, reaching a staggering 44.8% year-on-year price increase by December 2022. This number is almost three times higher than the EU average.

The Hungarian Government is planning to amend its investment promotion regulation, therefore, it published the related documentation on 1 February 2023. The amendments would ensure that aid may be granted for primary agricultural production if the subject of the aid is a research and development project relating to primary agricultural production. In addition, aid for research and development would not only be available for investors that qualify as large enterprises, but also for medium-sized enterprises, in case their combined average statistical headcount reaches 100 persons.

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