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87 New Articles

A new asset peace regulation entered into force with the article 50 of Law No. 7417 on Certain Amendments to Civil Servants Law and Certain Laws and Statutory Decree No. 375 [the “Law No. 7417”] which was published in the Official Gazette numbered 31887 on 5 July 2022.

The amendments to the execution government decree of the Land Registry Act entered into force on 1 May 2022, which introduced a new definition of parking space. A parking space is an area serving for the placement of a motor vehicle created in the motor vehicle storage room of a building, one side of which is connected to the access road to the parking spaces and the other three sides of which are delimited by a permanent physical marking or wall on the floor of the room. The definition also specifies the size of the parking space. This is important, since as a result, a parking space in a car storage room of a condominium may be registered as an independent property in the land registry. This only requires a proof of existence of a car storage room in the building.

On 25 June 2022, the long-awaited Rulebook on Keeping Records and Reporting on Gender Equality Implementation entered into force, and it was published in the Official Gazette of RS no. 67/2022 (“the Rulebook”). The respective piece of regulation prescribes the template on which employers, public authorities and gender equality bodies record data categorised by gender, as well as the content and manner of submitting reports on implementation of gender equality within the stated entities, as well as political parties and syndicates.

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