Tue, Jul
72 New Articles

Distribution of assets sometimes leads to disputes between heirs and cause undesirable consequences. In this respect, many people prefer to decide how their estate will be distributed by making testamentary dispositions while they are still alive. Hence, in order to eliminate possible conflicts between heirs or for other reasons, individuals may choose to plan their estate prior to their death, based on personal wishes. Today, more people than ever prioritize estate planning.

Transfer of shares to a third party may cause harm to the existing shareholders and create undesired consequences for them. For example, share transfer may result in the entry of an undesired third party into the entity as a shareholder. Therefore, shareholders may require strict measures to be taken for protecting the corporate structure of the entity, preventing the entry of undesired third party to the entity, preventing deadlock when reaching a decision, preventing the sale of company’s shares to its competitors, protecting the rights of the minority shareholders, etc.

The database of rulings of Polish administrative courts already includes multiple ones related to entries into the Register of domains used to offer gambling games in contravention of the Polish Gambling Act ("Register").

The European Data Protection Supervisor (“EDPS”) has issued a guidance document entitled “Return to the Workplace and EUI’s (European Institutions, Agencies and Bodies) screening of Covid immunity or infection status” (the “Guidance”).

The Curia has made a legal uniformity resolution no. 7/2021 PJE on the enforcement of the rules of contract transfer. The resolution has been trying to put an end to the issues of contract transfer, especially in the case of agricultural leases. The previous legal practice was based on the interpretation that the contract shall be deemed to be a new contract in respect of all rights and obligations transferred.

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