Tue, Feb
93 New Articles

Kolcuoglu Demirkan Kocakli has advised Arkel and its shareholders including Mediterra Capital on the sale of Arkel to Innovalift.

Kovacevic Prpic Simeunovic has advised Mlin i Pekare on its reverse takeover of Cakovecki Mlinovi. Vukina & Partners advised OTP Bank, which financed the transaction. Tus and Grzic advised PBZ Croatia Osiguranje on the sale of its stake. Mamic, Grgic, Vinter advised the management board of Cakovecki Mlinovi. Pesut, Matic, Galekovic, and Zgombic reportedly advised the sellers of the initial stake in Cakovecki Mlinovi. Gugic, Kovacic & Krivic reportedly advised AZ, a pension management company that sold its stake in Cakovecki Mlinovi.

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