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For many years it has been clear for Polish entrepreneurs that there is no simple legal answer to their strong need to secure their family assets, and above all their family businesses, for future succession. Due to the lack of appropriate instruments in the Polish legal system, many national entrepreneurs were forced to use the legal institutions of other jurisdictions. This solution was highly uncomfortable because of the differences in legal regimes and foreign legal requirements that did not entirely meet the needs of domestic entrepreneurs.

Wardynski & Partners, working with Portugal's Morais Leitao, has advised EDP and its subsidiary EDP Renovaveis on the repurchase of a 49% stake in EDPR’s wind energy assets in Portugal, Poland, and Italy from subsidiaries of China Three Gorges for a total of EUR 570 million.

Taylor Wessing has advised Sunday Natural and founder Joerg Schweikart on the sale of a stake in Sunday Natural to private equity investor CVC Capital Partners VIII. Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlezak, working with Germany's Lubberger Lehment, ZENK, and Clifford Chance, reportedly advised CVC.

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