Sun, Sep
107 New Articles

Amendments to Law of Ukraine “On Advertising” No. 270/96-ВР of 3 July 1996 (the “Advertising Law”) have recently come into force. The amendments update obsolete regulations on advertising in Ukraine, thus ensuring advertising standards correspond to current technological developments.

A technology that changes the meaning of the word art and outpaces legislation. In the case of artificial intelligence (AI), this is especially true in the context of image creation applications such as DALL-E or Midjourney. These apps use machine learning to create original works based on an analysis of existing databases of works. However, this raises certain complications in the field of copyright.

A legislative proposal has been submitted in November 2023 on the system of utilization of national data assets. The primary objective of the proposal is to ensure the applicability of the data governance regulation in Hungary and to make the existing laws on secondary usage of the national data assets coherent in a regulatory environment. The scope of the proposal covers services related to the use of data processed by public authorities, the performance of other related public tasks and data collection and analysis in support of government decision-making.

Both consumers and companies that are using the software in everyday activities, either for business or pleasure, usually do not own the software, but only have limited rights granted by a license agreement with specifically defined scope and terms of use. Why the misunderstanding? In general, software is a set of instructions or programs used to operate computers and execute specific tasks. It is an intangible object, opposite to hardware compartments. With the latter, the ownership perception is clear when you are buying it. On the other hand, software brings confusion to end-users - is it purchased or licensed? Because the difference is essential.

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