Go2Law and Djingov, Gouginski, Kyutchukov & Velichkov have advised Integral Venture Partners on an unspecified "strategic investment" in Bulgarian telecommunications company Bulsatcom. Vedder Price advised selling shareholders Blantyre Capital and the EBRD.
Financial terms of the investment were not disclosed.
Bulsatcom, founded in 2003, was the first pay-TV network on the Bulgarian telecommunications market. The company currently serves approximately one million residential and business subscribers through its direct-to-home satellite television, IPTV, and broadband internet services, and operates its own national fiber back-bone and retail distribution network.
Integral manages institutional private equity and growth capital and is focused on investments in CEE. Integral covers its target market out of hubs in London, Budapest, and Belgrade.
According to an Integral press release, the company "is investing across the capital structure of the company and joining an already existing group of international institutional stakeholders in Bulsatcom including: Blantyre Capital and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development; and local stakeholders including: the Bulgarian Development Bank and the founder of the business."
The Go2Law team was led by owner Hugh Owen.
The DGKV team was led by Partner Zdravka Ugrinova and included Counsel Valentin Bojilov
The Vedder Price team was led by Partner Trevor Wood and included Counsel Jon Edgelow and Solicitors Gerry Kelly and Harrison Hutchinson.