Wed, Jul
77 New Articles

Patents and innovation are closely linked. Patents can boost innovation by granting a legal monopoly over certain technology, and inventors may be willing to invest more time, money and creativity into their inventions if they can do this in anticipation of being rewarded with such monopoly on their invention. Furthermore, patents boost future innovation because the technology protected by a patent will be made publicly available and can be used by everyone once the patent protection term expires. However, patents may even hinder innovation, because technology and its further-development could be blocked by existing patents.

Data controllers and data processors had until 24 August 2021 to align with the new Law on Personal Data Protection in North Macedonia (“Law”), which introduced the GDPR in the local legislation at the beginning of 2020. Non-compliance with the new obligations for personal data protection can lead to severe penalties, such as fines of up to 2% and up to 4% of the total annual turnover from the previous financial year, per misdemeanor.

What is ESG?  ESG refers to the three key factors (environmental, social and governance) when measuring the sustainability and ethical impact of an investment in a business or company and it is commonly used in capital markets and commonly used by investors to evaluate the behavior of the companies, as well as determining their future financial performance.

When it comes to reporting obligation to the National Bank of Serbia (“NBS”), what first comes to mind is the reporting regulated by the Decision on reporting on foreign credit transactions (Official Gazette of RS no. 56/2013, 4/2015 and 42/2020), which is done through commercial banks of reporting obligors.

The Hungarian Competition Authority (HCA) published its draft report of an accelerated sector inquiry on the Hungarian brick market. The interested and affected parties have only 8 days to submit comments to the authority's draft report. As a main finding, the HCA has not found reasons to conduct an antitrust proceeding on the relevant market. It has, however, made recommendations for consumers and also for the government.

Following the record-long period, since May 25, 2018, during which Slovenia failed to adopt a relevant GDPR-implementing act, the Slovenian Government has sent a new draft of the Slovenian Data Protection Act for public discussion. If the parliamentary process runs uninterruptedly, the adoption of the new Act can be expected by the fall of this year.

The right to privacy that is guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo is embodied in the new Law on Protection of Personal Data, which was approved in January 2019 as an amendment and supplement to the old law, which had been in force since 2010. With the introduction of the new LPPD, Kosovo has implemented an advanced and comprehensive regulatory and institutional framework for data protection, incorporating the main principles and provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation.

To comply with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), companies must have technical and organizational measures in place to protect personal data. In light of the recent decision of the Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency (AZOP) against a leading local security company, one measure that requires closer scrutiny is the prevention of data breaches by employees. What happens if, regardless of various security measures, a careless employee commits a data breach? Will the company be liable for a breach committed by its employee?

Privacy pros are now celebrating the three-year anniversary of the GDPR, even as we are living through the current pandemic. It is, in fact, almost impossible to talk about privacy trends without touching on the COVID-19 crisis.

This article sets out the legislative and regulatory framework governing the protection of personal data in Greece.

In Hungary, immunity to COVID-19 may be verified on the basis of Government Decree 60/2021 by way of an immunity certificate or the mobile app of the National eHealth Infrastructure (EESZT). While in principle both methods may establish immunity based on either vaccination or recovery from the illness, only the immunity certificate has been available for use since February 2021, as the EESZT mobile app is currently still in its introductory phase.

Following the adoption of the GDPR, an important new element was brought into Romania’s legal framework – the required designation of a Data Protection Officer (DPO), which is mandatory in some cases.

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered substantial social changes and a seemingly never-ending rollercoaster of legislative amendments and re-adoptions. Both social and legislative changes occurred in the Employment Sector, inevitably including the sphere of Personal Data Protection (PDP).

In its July 2020 Schrems II judgment, the Court of Justice of the European Union invalidated the Privacy Shield for EU-US personal data transfers for commercial purposes. In a case concerning data transfers by Facebook Ireland to the US, the court concluded that because of its mass surveillance programs, the US does not provide the adequate – that is, a sufficient – level of personal data protection that is guaranteed by EU law. What conclusions may be drawn from Schrems II for personal data transfers to Russia almost one year later?

The challenges arising from the protection of personal data are countless and inescapable in our landscape. Three years after the GDPR came into force, some clear trends can be seen on the Polish market, from which a set of good enforcement practices may be derived.

With the introduction of Turkish Data Protection Law No. 6698 (the KVKK) back in 2016, data privacy has become an important aspect of M&A transactions and due diligence processes. Concerned about the potential administrative fines under the law and the strict scrutiny of the Turkish Data Protection Authority (DPA), buyers started to place greater importance on the compliance of target companies’ privacy practices with the law.