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As part of a comprehensive EU strategy to tackle non-performing loans, the European Parliament and the Council adopted a directive on credit servicers and credit purchasers, which Member States have until 29 December 2023 to transpose into national law.

Foundations, along with associations, are the most widely chosen legal form for Polish non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Due to the specific nature of their relationships with the state, doubt may sometimes arise as to whether foundations may be legally obliged to organize tender proceedings. This is because the Public Procurement Law (PPL) does not list foundations among other types of entities which may act as ‘contracting authorities’. Does this mean that no foundation under any circumstances will ever have to observe public procurement laws? Naturally, this question can only be answered in the negative, as in some cases a foundation may acquire ‘contracting authority’ status under the above-mentioned laws.

Due to rising energy prices more and more employers are considering continuing or (re)introducing the home office (i.e. (partial) teleworking), previously introduced out of necessity, where workloads allow and now on the basis of cost efficiency. For the time being, the rise in energy prices does not seem to have discouraged employees from teleworking, and in many places the possibility of teleworking has become an expectation of employers.

The latest amendments to the Companies Act (“Act“) from 2021 specify the mandatory elements of the headquarters of each enterprise. Each registered office address must contain information related to the city, municipality, street or square, house number, floor, and apartment number.

The Life Sciences & Healthcare industry is not free of criminal activity that may give rise to the companies’ liability for criminal offences. However, the corporate criminal liability in Poland is not effectively enforced now. The government presented its proposal to change that in the new draft law amending the Corporate Criminal Liability Act (the “draft”).

Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102 [“TCC”] stipulates that the carrier shall be liable for the damages caused by the loss, damage or delay of delivery of commodity within the period from the takeover of commodity for carriage to delivery of it. The legal nature of the carrier's liability in this context is strict liability. This means that even if the carrier has no fault in incurrence of damages, they should still be liable. However, this liability is not absolute. As a matter of fact, the carrier can be released from liability on the grounds set out in the law or by proving that they have taken the greatest care.

Kochanski & Partners, the authors of the first metaverse report in Poland, published a follow-up tax themed report on 27 October. “Taxation of Cryptocurrencies and NFTs, and Challenges in the Metaverse” is a comprehensive overview of the tax consequences of events and transactions involving cryptocurrencies and NFTs. The publication was coupled with presentation of the report and an expert debate featuring the participation of representatives of business, new technology market practitioners who deal on a daily basis with crypto, NFTs and the Metaverse, and lawyers specialising in digital economics and taxes.

The main obligation of the transport and logistics companies, i.e., carrier in contracts of carriage is to take the commodity from one place to another and deliver it to the consignee. The carrier is obliged to deliver the commodity in the form and condition in which it was received. Therefore, the carrier also undertakes the obligation to preserve the commodity under its control while performing the contract of carriage.

Harmonized rules ensuring smooth functioning of the EU Digital Internal Market finally have finally come into existence. Instead of 27 different legal requirements there will be only one set of rules regulating digital market and services in the EU –namely, the Digital Markets Act and the Digital Services Act.

A hot topic in today's Romanian tax world is the activity of online “opinion makers”, i.e. influencers, bloggers and vloggers, and not only, related to the well-known online and social media platforms, according to an investigation carried out by the Romanian tax authorities. “Why?” one may ask.

Law No. 7418 on Amendment of Press Law and Certain Laws (“Amendment Law”) is published in Official Gazette of October 18, 2022 and introduced significant amendments on certain laws including the Press Law No. 5187, the Turkish Criminal Code No. 5237 and the Law No. 5651 on the Regulation of Broadcasts via the Internet and the Prevention of Crimes Committed through Such Broadcast (“Law No. 5651”) and the Law No. 5809 Electronic Communications Law (“Law No. 5809”).

The long – awaited publication of the amendments to the Government Decision No. 1134/2010 on the approval of the Implementing Regulations of Law 84/1998 on Trademarks and Geographical Indications, republished, (the “Trademarks Regulation”) brought by the Government Decision no. 1197/2022, took place on 7 October 2022, when the amendments also entered into force.

In Montenegro, the Law on protection of personal data is still in power, and was last amended on April 3, 2017 („LPPI“).

The Turkish Competition Board (“Board”) conditionally approved the acquisition of sole control over Ferro Corporation (“Ferro”) by American Securities LLC (“American Securities”) through its solely controlled affiliate ASP Prince Holdings Inc. (“Prince”). The Board determined that the transaction would result in the significant impediment of effective competition in the market for glass coatings for home appliances in Turkey. That being said, the Board conditionally approved the transaction subject to the commitments submitted by the parties to the European Commission (“Commission”) on the grounds that the commitments removed the entire horizontal overlap between the parties in the horizontally affected markets in Turkey. 

The Law on the Amendment of Press Law numbered 7418 and Some Other Laws [“Amendment Law”] published in the Official Gazette No. 31987 dated October 18, 2022. While the amendments adopted mainly in the Press Law significantly expand the scope of this law, the Amendment Law also includes new regulations with regard to online news tools, the number of which are increasing day by day as opposed to printed media.

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