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On Thursday, November 30th, leading legal practitioners from across Central and Eastern Europe gathered in Prague to help CEE Legal Matters celebrate its fourth successful year as the leading chronicle of the legal industry in the region, participating in an expert Round Table conversation about the year just concluded and enjoying an evening of dinner, drinks, and bonhomie. 

An unfavorable global financial crunch has affected the Ukrainian banking system. The continued growth of the share of distressed loans in portfolios of Ukrainian banks in recent years ultimately resulted in a number of sonorous bank defaults and, eventually, in the unprecedented nationalization of the largest Ukrainian national bank, Privatbank. According to the National Bank of Ukraine, in August 2017 over 60% of loans in the Ukrainian banking system were non-performing. This resulted in a permanent crisis in liquidity for Ukrainian businesses and a large number of significantly overdue loans. In response to this situation, in 2016 a unique dispute settlement mechanism for creditors and debtors was implemented to provide for financial restructuring of bad assets. 

Ukraine has made a great leap forward in the development of transfer pricing rules since the concept of “controlled transactions” was first introduced in the Tax Code in 2013. These transfer pricing rules have been amended in recent years and Ukrainian taxpayers are likely to face many new issues on the subject in 2017.

These days the Ukrainian media is full of news about the detention of officials and business owners, revisions of enterprises allegedly connected with corrupt officials, frozen foreign accounts, and the expected return of assets in the near future. The law enforcement system keeps an eye on ex-representatives of power and business, skillfully bringing them to criminal prosecution, and so-called “resonant” cases with a political flavor appear almost daily in the media. 

Ukraine confidently declared its intention to bring its legislation into line with EU standards by signing the Ukraine-European Union Association Agreement in 2014, which obliges Ukraine to implement a number of EU Directives, including those regulating various aspects of corporate governance.

In 2016-2017 Ukrainian authorities introduced many important legislative changes in the energy sector in line with the country’s commitment to implementing the Third Energy Package as a member of the Energy Community and as a party to the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. 

The growing interdependence of world economies, driven by the reduction and removal of trade barriers, cheaper transport and communication costs, and increased use of the Internet (facilitating easier access to foreign markets), as well as by the growth of multinational corporations, has resulted in unprecedented cross-border trade and capital flows. At the same time, it has also opened up new opportunities for multinationals to reduce their profit in high-taxed jurisdictions by exploiting gaps and mismatches in domestic and international tax rules to artificially shift it to low-taxed countries (or tax havens).

After a period of political and economic instability which put M&A transactions in Ukraine into a dormant mode, the country is starting to show signs of revival. As the economy recovers and new legislation aimed at strengthening the rule of law and simplifying doing business is adopted, investors are again looking towards Ukraine with interest. 

The Russian annexation of Crimea in March 2014 and subsequent military actions in Eastern Ukraine left Ukraine reeling. It took a while for the country to develop a strategy and institute its first arbitration and court actions against the Russian Federation. These first legal challenges are now bearing fruit, as several landmark decisions have recently been delivered by major international dispute resolution venues.

Rob Shantz is a partner and the Head of the Corporate practice of Redcliffe Partners. He is a US-qualified lawyer with over 28 years of experience, including some 20 years in Central and Eastern Europe. Shantz specializes in cross-border corporate law and corporate governance matters, as well as in FCPA compliance investigation.

In The Corner Office, we invite Senior and Managing Partners at law firms from across the region to share information about their careers, management styles, and strategies. For this issue, we asked them to describe their least favorite part of their jobs. 

Preserving confidentiality is always a top priority for a successful business, especially if you have an advanced R&D department. Taking into account the need to freely transfer information on the one hand and the strict necessity to preserve the safety of personal data and databases on the other, the issue of confidentiality becomes even more important.

The 2017 CEE Legal Matters General Summit took place at the Intercontinental Hotel in Warsaw on June 1-2, 2017, once again bringing together well over a hundred General Counsel and Heads of Legal from across Central and Eastern Europe for two full days (and one entertaining evening) of seminars, panel discussions, best practices review, and networking. This year’s event — the third annual, following the 2015 GC Summit in Budapest and the 2016 GC Summit in Istanbul — was the biggest and most successful yet.

On May 31 and June 1, 2017, CEE Legal Matters was proud to host a rare event: A gathering of those senior lawyers from each Central and Eastern European country identified by peers as being most influential, most important, most uniquely responsible for having created the country’s modern commercial legal market.

Ukraine Knowledge Partner

AVELLUM is a leading Ukrainian full service law firm with a key focus on Finance, Corporate, Dispute Resolution, Tax, and Antitrust.

Our aim is to be the firm of choice for large businesses and financial institutions in respect of their most important and challenging transactions.

We build lasting relationships with our clients and make them feel secure in new uncertain economic and legal realities.

We incorporate the most advanced Western legal techniques and practices into our work. By adding our first-hand knowledge, broad industry experience, and unparalleled level of service we deliver the best results to our clients in their business endeavours. Our partners are taking an active role in every transaction and ensure smooth teamwork.

AVELLUM is recognised as one of the leading law firms in Ukraine by various international and Ukrainian legal editions (Chambers, The Legal500, IFLR1000, The Ukrainian Law Firms, and others).

Firm's website: www.avellum.com


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