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Under the EU's Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR), companies must notify the European Commission in advance of certain acquisitions, mergers or large public procurement transactions if the groups of companies involved have received financial contributions from outside the EU. Compiling the notification and gathering the necessary information can be a heavy administrative burden for companies, and failure to do so can result in fines of up to 10% of the group's worldwide turnover.

In order to boost corporate lending and thus increase economic competitiveness, the legislator recently implemented changes to the Hungarian Companies Act. From 1 January 2024, companies will have to provide additional information about the finances of the company in the registration or modification procedures. In this article, we summarize the new rules and the related deadlines.

Ellex Valiunas has advised E Energija group company Kogeneracija on the sale of 100% of shares in Miesto Energija and Pramones Energija and a 4,34% stake in Klaipedos Energija to Vilniaus Silumos Tinklai. TGS Baltic reportedly advised the buyer.

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