Sun, Sep
107 New Articles

The draft of the new Hungarian Construction Act was recently published for public consultation. Although the act only lays down the general rules, and details will be laid down in other regulations that are not yet known, several new features can already be seen in the draft. In our short article we summarise a few important changes.

SSW Pragmatic Solutions has advised Orlen Poludnie on an EPC contract for the construction of an oil pressing plant in Ketrzyn, valued at approximately PLN 850 million. The contractor for the investment will be a consortium of companies including Polimex Mostostal and AB Industry.

The National Water Resources Protection Map, required for the licensing of domestic and agricultural wells under the amendment to the Water Management Act, has been completed and is available on the website of National Water Directorate (in Hungarian: “Országos Vízügyi Főigazgatóság”). This Protection Map will play a central role in the future licensing of domestic groundwater wells.

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