Fri, Jun
67 New Articles

Olsi Coku Makes Partner at Kalo & Associates in Tirana

Albania's Olsi Coku has been appointed a Partner with Kalo & Associates in Tirana, in a promotion round that also included Armando Toslluku's appointment as a Special Counsel and Frensis Nakuci's promotion to Senior Associate.

Read more: Olsi Coku Makes Partner at Kalo & Associates in Tirana

Karanovic & Partners Appoints Milos Vuckovic as New Managing Partner and Milos Jakovljevic as Senior Partner

Milos Vuckovic has been appointed as the new Managing Partner of Karanovic & Partners, taking over from Darko Jovanovic who has been leading the firm for the past two years. Milos Jakovljevic has been promoted to Senior Partner. Additionally, the firm announced that Senior Partner Marjan Poljak will assist Vuckovic in his new role.

Read more: Karanovic & Partners Appoints Milos Vuckovic as New Managing Partner and Milos Jakovljevic as...

Egemen Egemenoglu Takes Over as Egemenoglu Managing Partner

Egemen Egemenoglu has been appointed the new Managing Partner of the Egemenoglu Law Office in Istanbul, following a meeting of the firm's Partners on January 27. He takes over from Yunus Egemenoglu, who will now serve as a Senior Partner at the firm.

Read more: Egemen Egemenoglu Takes Over as Egemenoglu Managing Partner

Ostermann & Partners Puts Vjekoslav Ivancic's Name on the Wall To Become Ostermann Ivancic

Croatian law firm Ostermann & Partners has changed its name to Ostermann Ivancic with "the addition of partner Vjekoslav Ivancic to the company name [as] a dedication to his outstanding career and contribution he has made to the firm's growth."

Read more: Ostermann & Partners Puts Vjekoslav Ivancic's Name on the Wall To Become Ostermann Ivancic

Nlaw Appoints Martin Hren as Managing Partner in Croatia and Katya Mezek To Lead Newly Opened US Office

Nlaw Partner Martin Hren has become the new Managing Partner of the firm's Croatian office. At the same time, Nlaw announced the opening of its US office with Of Counsel Katya Mezek at the helm.

Read more: Nlaw Appoints Martin Hren as Managing Partner in Croatia and Katya Mezek To Lead Newly Opened US...